Heights BBS
(too old to reply)
John Pinto
2019-04-14 06:19:17 UTC
The Heights BBS as you knew it back in the 90's is back!! We've been going through tons of floppy disks and backup files from the 1990's and the BBS is pretty darn close to being back to the way it originally looked and was setup back in the 90's. Stop on by say hello or play one of the newly released Pfiles/Doors. We also have dial out capabilities to dial-up BBS's so if you don't have a modem but want to call a dial-up BBS telnet on over and use our Terminal Services dial-out function from the Main Menu. Just type "Term" at the Main, Hope to see you soon!!

telnet: heightsbbs.heightspc.net:6860
Dial-up: 800-258-4660
2020-09-18 17:49:35 UTC
To: l-up: 800-258-4660
Re: Heights BBS
By: John Pinto to alt.bbs.amiga.cnet on Sat Apr 13 2019 23:19:17
From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (631 of 637):

│ Subj: Re: Another CNet Amiga BBS!!
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:09:41 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
Swing on by...
Telnet: heightsbbs.heightspc.net:6860
Toll Free: 800-258-4660
Web: https://goo.gl/C5HPbM
TOLL free?
Yep toll free. The magic of SIP!!! :)
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (632 of 637):

│ Subj: Heights BBS
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:19:17 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet

The Heights BBS as you knew it back in the 90's is back!! We've been going
through tons of floppy disks and backup files from the 1990's and the BBS is
pretty darn close to being back to the way it originally looked and was setup
back in the 90's. Stop on by say hello or play one of the newly released
Pfiles/Doors. Dial-up: 800-258-4660
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (631 of 637):

│ Subj: Re: Another CNet Amiga BBS!!
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:09:41 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
Swing on by...
Telnet: heightsbbs.heightspc.net:6860
Toll Free: 800-258-4660
Web: https://goo.gl/C5HPbM
TOLL free?
Yep toll free. The magic of SIP!!! :)
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (632 of 637):

│ Subj: Heights BBS
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:19:17 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet

The Heights BBS as you knew it back in the 90's is back!! We've been going
through tons of floppy disks and backup files from the 1990's and the BBS is
pretty darn close to being back to the way it originally looked and was setup
back in the 90's. Stop on by say hello or play one of the newly released
Pfiles/Doors. Dial-up: 800-258-4660
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (631 of 637):

│ Subj: Re: Another CNet Amiga BBS!!
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:09:41 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
Swing on by...
Telnet: heightsbbs.heightspc.net:6860
Toll Free: 800-258-4660
Web: https://goo.gl/C5HPbM
TOLL free?
Yep toll free. The magic of SIP!!! :)
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (632 of 637):

│ Subj: Heights BBS
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:19:17 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet

The Heights BBS as you knew it back in the 90's is back!! We've been going
through tons of floppy disks and backup files from the 1990's and the BBS is
pretty darn close to being back to the way it originally looked and was setup
back in the 90's. Stop on by say hello or play one of the newly released
Pfiles/Doors. Dial-up: 800-258-4660
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (631 of 637):

│ Subj: Re: Another CNet Amiga BBS!!
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:09:41 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
Swing on by...
Telnet: heightsbbs.heightspc.net:6860
Toll Free: 800-258-4660
Web: https://goo.gl/C5HPbM
TOLL free?
Yep toll free. The magic of SIP!!! :)
-+- Synchronet 3.17c-Linux NewsLink 1.110

■ Reading ■ [5] USENET [3] alt.bbs.amiga.cnet (?=Menu) (632 of 637):

│ Subj: Heights BBS
│ To : alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
│ From: John Pinto (***@gmail.com)
│ Date: Sat Apr 13 2019 23:19:17 UTC (1.4 years ago)

From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet

The Heights BBS as you knew it back in the 90's is back!! We've been going
through tons of floppy disks and backup files from the 1990's and the BBS is
pretty darn close to being back to the way it originally looked and was setup
back in the 90's. Stop on by say hello or play one of the newly released
--- Synchronet 3.18a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
Message from the AmigaCity BBS. Join us at: telnet://amigacity.xyz