(too old to reply)
2016-09-13 03:23:00 UTC
Hello all, any idea if CNet is still being developed? Thanks.
Ryan P.
2016-10-04 14:00:16 UTC
Post by Necromaster
Hello all, any idea if CNet is still being developed? Thanks.
Not officially, no. It was purchased many years ago by somebody who
claimed they were going to develop it... They DID put out a "new"
release, which made no changes other than the Copyright notice. Then
they vanished, and nothing has been heard of, since.

Some people who occasionally visit this newsgroup are sort of working
on an open-source clone, but of course its a hobby, nothing that will
actually see any commercial application.

Which is a shame, because I love me some Tradewars and Global War!
Night Stalker
2016-10-30 04:20:00 UTC
On 09/13/16, Necromaster pondered and said...

Ne> Hello all, any idea if CNet is still being developed? Thanks.

I don't believe it was delevloped too much after Ray and Todd sold it.. I
lost interest in Cnet after 3.05c .. I didnt much like the way the BBS was
going after that.. it just became too complicated for the user
2016-10-30 04:38:00 UTC
NS> I don't believe it was delevloped too much after Ray and Todd sold it.. I
NS> lost interest in Cnet after 3.05c .. I didnt much like the way the BBS
NS> was going after that.. it just became too complicated for the user

I agree. I used to love CNet.
Ryan P.
2016-11-02 16:47:58 UTC
Post by Night Stalker
On 09/13/16, Necromaster pondered and said...
Ne> Hello all, any idea if CNet is still being developed? Thanks.
I don't believe it was delevloped too much after Ray and Todd sold it.. I
lost interest in Cnet after 3.05c .. I didnt much like the way the BBS was
going after that.. it just became too complicated for the user
Yeah... the 4.x updates made it too much like navigating a CLI window.

I liked some of the changes on the SysOp side of things, who cares
when the users aren't happy?

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