More News - CNet Amiga - (Good ol' days a few minutes ago)
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Dan F
2005-12-28 12:40:15 UTC
Drew writes "Last night K-Guide (Dan), Milt Le Bon, Heavy Metal (Ray),
and little old me Black Phantom. All online in CNet's Conference
system. At one point ElectroPig logged in but didn't come say hi.
It's a shame really, cus at this time I am told it was like old
times. With 3 of the most out spoken people on CNet in the news group
in chat for the first time all together. Not a bad word was to be had.
Everyone was too busy having flashbacks after all..."

Above is an article Andrew Alexander wrote just after a chat session on
Future World II BBS.

To read the entire article you can simply log into Future World II BBS
by telnetting to fw2.cnetbbs.net!

Dont forget, tonight Wednesday, December 28th, 2005 at 9:00pm (CST)
there will be two announcements made at Future World II about CNet.
Everyone is welcome!

Alex Dread
2005-12-28 20:36:11 UTC
Oooh! I love annoucements.
2005-12-29 00:50:21 UTC
Post by Alex Dread
Oooh! I love annoucements.
You know I'll be there for that one.
