bullrpg CNET pfile/game
(too old to reply)
Daniel Garnett
2005-03-20 12:01:15 UTC
Hi guys,

I use to have a cnet bbs many years ago in the days of version 3.05c i think
it was. When i had it I use to code many pfiles and games for it. One of my
biggest projects was a game called "BullRPG" which was a clone of the
excellent LORD game for pc bbs'

Anyway i sold my amiga a long time ago, and sadly lost all the bullrpg stuff
but would love to try and get hold of it again and maybe convert it to a web
based game or something now.

I have found many of my projects on aminet and such other telnet bbs which
has been great, but bullrpg is the main one that i want to get hold of.

Bullrpg had a couple of igms (in game mods - addons) so i would be greatfull
if any sysop has them please forward the lhas on to me :)

any information or files please email me ***@NOSPAMtezc.co.uk


Daniel Garnett
Andrew Alexander
2005-03-22 07:18:16 UTC
Ah yes... LORD... very popular on the PEECEE BBSes... Never heard of
BullRPG, but then again I learn something new every day. Stay tuned... I
am working on something right now with some people that might mean I
could get my hands on a copy of it. Just hang in there, I will let you
know. Finding this kinda thing is a lot like archeology.

Post by Daniel Garnett
Hi guys,
I use to have a cnet bbs many years ago in the days of version 3.05c i think
it was. When i had it I use to code many pfiles and games for it. One of my
biggest projects was a game called "BullRPG" which was a clone of the
excellent LORD game for pc bbs'
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
Daniel Garnett
2005-03-22 21:27:03 UTC
It was really only UK BBS` that had it, became quite popular. Still looking
for it now tho :( I found all my paperwork and notes from it when I was
coding it all brings back a lot of memories :D
Post by Andrew Alexander
Ah yes... LORD... very popular on the PEECEE BBSes... Never heard of
BullRPG, but then again I learn something new every day. Stay tuned... I
am working on something right now with some people that might mean I could
get my hands on a copy of it. Just hang in there, I will let you know.
Finding this kinda thing is a lot like archeology.
Post by Daniel Garnett
Hi guys,
I use to have a cnet bbs many years ago in the days of version 3.05c i
think it was. When i had it I use to code many pfiles and games for it.
One of my biggest projects was a game called "BullRPG" which was a clone
of the excellent LORD game for pc bbs'
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-03-22 22:07:25 UTC
I'll check through my early AmiNET CD's and see if I can find it
there. I know a lot of the software on the CD's is no longer online.
Post by Daniel Garnett
It was really only UK BBS` that had it, became quite popular. Still looking
for it now tho :( I found all my paperwork and notes from it when I was
coding it all brings back a lot of memories :D
Post by Andrew Alexander
Ah yes... LORD... very popular on the PEECEE BBSes... Never heard of
BullRPG, but then again I learn something new every day. Stay tuned... I
am working on something right now with some people that might mean I could
get my hands on a copy of it. Just hang in there, I will let you know.
Finding this kinda thing is a lot like archeology.
Post by Daniel Garnett
Hi guys,
I use to have a cnet bbs many years ago in the days of version 3.05c i
think it was. When i had it I use to code many pfiles and games for it.
One of my biggest projects was a game called "BullRPG" which was a clone
of the excellent LORD game for pc bbs'
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net