Carrier Whistle Podcast #5 - Get it on iTunes!
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2008-11-27 01:18:20 UTC
The Carrier Whistle - Episode 5 - It All Begins Anew

Hosts: Rich Lawrence, Mike Leach

I’m still working on the feel of the show. Would love to get some
feedback on it. Let me know.

* Old: Textfiles
* New: IRC
* BBS Spotlight: Mac Citadel

From the producers of The Amiga Roundtable Podcast and NewsTek, comes
the show that brings back the memories of dial up BBSes. Remember when
28.8Kbps was blazing fast? The Carrier Whistle is your podcast about
the old school BBSes of yesterday and today. Relive some of the good
times and the bad. From downloading ANSI art packs to the Secret
Service raid on Steve Jackson Games. We talk about it, and spotlight a
BBS you can telnet into! Plus you can telnet into the Amiga-Z BBS as
well! Give a listen!

Subscribe/Download it on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=265561202
Ryan P
2008-12-01 21:15:30 UTC
Post by MobbyG
From the producers of The Amiga Roundtable Podcast and NewsTek, comes
the show that brings back the memories of dial up BBSes. Remember when
28.8Kbps was blazing fast? The Carrier Whistle is your podcast about
Oddly enough... I remember when 2400 was blazing fast!
2008-12-01 21:30:06 UTC
Post by Ryan P
Post by MobbyG
From the producers of The Amiga Roundtable Podcast and NewsTek, comes
the show that brings back the memories of dial up BBSes. Remember when
28.8Kbps was blazing fast? The Carrier Whistle is your podcast about
Oddly enough... I remember when 2400 was blazing fast!
So do I, actually.
2008-12-30 03:03:27 UTC
Post by Milt
 From the producers of The Amiga Roundtable Podcast and NewsTek, comes
the show that brings back the memories of dial up BBSes. Remember when
28.8Kbps was blazing fast? The Carrier Whistle is your podcast about
 Oddly enough... I remember when 2400 was blazing fast!
So do I, actually.
Only to be surpassed by 9600... What a harsh mistress it is..
