More CNet Trouble...
(too old to reply)
2005-03-31 02:31:42 UTC
A new thread at last! I got my Telnet issues resolved and can telnet
to my CNet 5 system. But, getting funny responses when I do:

telnetl.device: Waiting for unit to answer.
telnetl.device: Connected to TCP/IP port 4000 unit 0.

18Press RETURN to enter system: 0

CNet PRO 5.01 (23.3.99) (c)1990-99
ZenMetal Software 519-256-0278 (BBS)
1Terminal [A]MIGA, [C]BM, [I]BM, [S]ky, [NONE]:

IBM/ANSI enabled!11NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start" ...11Enter
NEW if you
have no account.1Enter your handle.1:

Notice how some of it is jumbled together when it should be on seperate
lines. And what's up with all the extra numbers like the 18 before
"Press RETURN to enter system:"?

And what's the error "NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start"?"

Oh, and telnetd.device on port 23 has the same result BTW.


2005-03-31 02:37:08 UTC
Post by Tom
A new thread at last! I got my Telnet issues resolved and can telnet
telnetl.device: Waiting for unit to answer.
telnetl.device: Connected to TCP/IP port 4000 unit 0.
18Press RETURN to enter system: 0
CNet PRO 5.01 (23.3.99) (c)1990-99
ZenMetal Software 519-256-0278 (BBS)
IBM/ANSI enabled!11NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start" ...11Enter
NEW if you
Notice how some of it is jumbled together when it should be on seperate
lines. And what's up with all the extra numbers like the 18 before
"Press RETURN to enter system:"?
And what's the error "NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start"?"
Oh, and telnetd.device on port 23 has the same result BTW.
You need to change the "abuffer" to something other than 0. I seem to
recall setting mine to 1024 (1K). I'm almost positive you can find this
in the "Explained" link on cnetbbs.net.
2005-03-31 04:56:05 UTC
Got it! Sorry I missed that one..

But I got a new problem and this time I cant seem to find the answer at

When I created my first user it said it was suspended and kicked me
off. And when I click UserEd from control, nothing happens...


Post by Ryan
Post by Tom
A new thread at last! I got my Telnet issues resolved and can telnet
telnetl.device: Waiting for unit to answer.
telnetl.device: Connected to TCP/IP port 4000 unit 0.
18Press RETURN to enter system: 0
CNet PRO 5.01 (23.3.99) (c)1990-99
ZenMetal Software 519-256-0278 (BBS)
IBM/ANSI enabled!11NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start"
Post by Ryan
Post by Tom
NEW if you
Notice how some of it is jumbled together when it should be on seperate
lines. And what's up with all the extra numbers like the 18 before
"Press RETURN to enter system:"?
And what's the error "NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start"?"
Oh, and telnetd.device on port 23 has the same result BTW.
You need to change the "abuffer" to something other than 0. I seem to
recall setting mine to 1024 (1K). I'm almost positive you can find this
in the "Explained" link on cnetbbs.net.
2005-03-31 05:22:55 UTC
Post by Tom
Got it! Sorry I missed that one..
But I got a new problem and this time I cant seem to find the answer at
When I created my first user it said it was suspended and kicked me
off. And when I click UserEd from control, nothing happens...
How did you log in the first time? Did you login like a normal user,
or did you do a Sysop login? (TAB from the screen of the node you want
to log on, I believe?)
Andrew Alexander
2005-03-31 05:59:52 UTC
Ok... first off let's make sure you are using hard drive images with the
Amiga Emulator you have. You can't use the windows file system for
anything other then maybe a file base. You should have 2 disk images
100MB each. Workbench.hdf and Work.hdf. The reason for this is I am sure
something to do with Windows being mean to files it don't understand.
Data files just write better in the native format of the amiga's file
system. It's not to late though... don't reinstall everything just make
the files and copy everything over and you should be in the clear.

I think that it's just the emulator that causes this problem by not
allowing CNet to write the user data file correctly. What you need to do
is go into the directory where you decompressed CNet and installed it
from. Find the file "useredit" and copy it to your working CNet:
directory. Click on the user editor option in the control pannel and
edit your account. Mind you I am not looking at the screen but I think
what you want to look for is "Privilege Flags" tab and deselect "Suspend
Account" If it isn't selected, select it and save it... then go back in
and deselect it to fix the user data. Then try to login again. This may
or may not happen with other new users as well as when you go to create
subboards if you don't use disk files to hold everything... well
everything except a file base.

If you still have trouble with it I can muck around here and see if I
can throw together a Explained document on that.

Post by Tom
Got it! Sorry I missed that one..
But I got a new problem and this time I cant seem to find the answer at
When I created my first user it said it was suspended and kicked me
off. And when I click UserEd from control, nothing happens...
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-03-31 08:08:45 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
Ok... first off let's make sure you are using hard drive images with the
Amiga Emulator you have. You can't use the windows file system for
anything other then maybe a file base. You should have 2 disk images
100MB each. Workbench.hdf and Work.hdf. The reason for this is I am sure
something to do with Windows being mean to files it don't understand.
Data files just write better in the native format of the amiga's file
system. It's not to late though... don't reinstall everything just make
the files and copy everything over and you should be in the clear.
The reason you have to have the system data file in native Amiga Format
is the fact their structure is a relative file format which make
certain assumptions about the file system. These assumptions work fine
as long as you are working with a native Amiga file system. So, Andrew
is right on target there. However don't assume that you can store the
file base on a native windows system. This can create other problems
as well depending on the file base type. It's ok to have the actual
files stored in a windows partition, but no data files associated with
the file base should be on a windows drive. If you are not going to
have a huge file base, then I would just create some additional drive
image files and use them for everything. If you need to use both
Windows and Amiga file systems, let me know and I can post in more
detail about how to do this.
Post by Andrew Alexander
I think that it's just the emulator that causes this problem by not
allowing CNet to write the user data file correctly. What you need to do
is go into the directory where you decompressed CNet and installed it
directory. Click on the user editor option in the control pannel and
edit your account. Mind you I am not looking at the screen but I think
what you want to look for is "Privilege Flags" tab and deselect "Suspend
Account" If it isn't selected, select it and save it... then go back in
and deselect it to fix the user data. Then try to login again. This may
or may not happen with other new users as well as when you go to create
subboards if you don't use disk files to hold everything... well
everything except a file base.
Actually the emulator does not cause this error at all. If you were to
install this on an actual Amiga you would be having the same problem.
Plus your solution will only solve the issue until Tom changes his
access level.

The error comes from an incorrectly programmed install utility that is
used to create the VDE files. During the install, a utility is run to
generate a set of VDE files. These files are used in the VDE (Visual
Data Editor). Here is where the problem lies. The utility creates the
VDE files, and sets all the defaults for each of the files. One of the
VDE files is for the Access Groups. In this file, the suspend account
flag is set to true in all access groups. So when you hit TAB for the
first time on the system, it sees there is no accounts yet and creates
the first account. Because all accounts have to be set at some access
level it sets the access level to 0 (I think) and then applies all the
appropriate access level settings for group 0 to the account. This is
why, when you change your access to level 31, your account will get
suspended again. So to counter this, get on the system using the
method Andrew identified and then issue the following command "EG0-31".
This will get you into the VDE editing all groups. Then turn off the
suspended flags and I seem to think there is another that needs to be
changed, but you should see what we are trying to do.

There are some other errors in the VDE files that are more cosmetic
(like one of the fields did not line up right, etc...), but I did not
want to leave them so I adjusted mine to suite me.
Post by Andrew Alexander
If you still have trouble with it I can muck around here and see if I
can throw together a Explained document on that.
Post by Tom
Got it! Sorry I missed that one..
But I got a new problem and this time I cant seem to find the answer at
When I created my first user it said it was suspended and kicked me
off. And when I click UserEd from control, nothing happens...
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
Andrew Alexander
2005-03-31 09:57:06 UTC
Post by d***@propg.com
The reason you have to have the system data file in native Amiga Format
is the fact their structure is a relative file format which make
certain assumptions about the file system. These assumptions work fine
as long as you are working with a native Amiga file system. So, Andrew
is right on target there.
yeah like I said... FIRE BAD!
Post by d***@propg.com
However don't assume that you can store the
file base on a native windows system. This can create other problems
as well depending on the file base type. It's ok to have the actual
files stored in a windows partition, but no data files associated with
the file base should be on a windows drive. If you are not going to
have a huge file base, then I would just create some additional drive
image files and use them for everything.
Ok, well you can assume it since I know it works cus I ran my board for
well over a year in that mannor. File system issues only seems to effect
the big things like users and subboards... you know the things no system
can live without. It would be a good idea like you said to keep the data
file seperate which is easy to do... and just store the files in Windows
directories. This also gives you an easy way to bridge things over to
the hard drive files durring run time. Hard drive files over 500MB is
just not worth doing... fills up too fast... =(

My tests... and your gonna love this... When the emulator starts up it
captures the nature of the Windows file system at that time. Free space,
used space, and total drive size. It seems as soon as Windows swap file
alters it's size the Emulated Amiga now has incorrect information on the
state of the hard drive and starts writting everything all screwy. Raw
files transfer great between the two... data writting is a mess though.

One big advantage is that every month you can put the system down and
close the emulator and ZIP up the drive files 100MB each with mostly
blank space will compress into like 6 or 7MB... it makes things so easy.
I have several back ups of my system over the last couple years in hard
drive files.
Post by d***@propg.com
Actually the emulator does not cause this error at all. If you were to
install this on an actual Amiga you would be having the same problem.
Plus your solution will only solve the issue until Tom changes his
access level.
The problem is not in my book of notes so I assumed it never happen to
me on the real Amiga. A lot of people don't realize that my BBS didn't
start on the emulator... it was run for a couple years and compressed
and stored on CD up until 2002 when I opened the BBS back up. I think
this advantage is why I don't have many of the problems people report
with systems. I was the first to sustain a CNet BBS in WinUAE and I was
the first to move that same system to the Amiga One. =)
Post by d***@propg.com
The error comes from an incorrectly programmed install utility that is
used to create the VDE files. During the install, a utility is run to
generate a set of VDE files. These files are used in the VDE (Visual
Data Editor). Here is where the problem lies. The utility creates the
VDE files, and sets all the defaults for each of the files. One of the
VDE files is for the Access Groups. In this file, the suspend account
flag is set to true in all access groups. So when you hit TAB for the
first time on the system, it sees there is no accounts yet and creates
the first account. Because all accounts have to be set at some access
level it sets the access level to 0 (I think) and then applies all the
appropriate access level settings for group 0 to the account. This is
why, when you change your access to level 31, your account will get
suspended again. So to counter this, get on the system using the
method Andrew identified and then issue the following command "EG0-31".
This will get you into the VDE editing all groups. Then turn off the
suspended flags and I seem to think there is another that needs to be
changed, but you should see what we are trying to do.
There are some other errors in the VDE files that are more cosmetic
(like one of the fields did not line up right, etc...), but I did not
want to leave them so I adjusted mine to suite me.
Wow... ok... I got tired of getting my ass kicked by Red Hat Linux over
here tonight and I messed with this. My solution does not correct the
problem... However, I have a 5.01 (my orignal version) that I do most of
the tests on in the emulator. My current system runs 5.06 (Phear to do
the Upgrade). So if his install is 5.07 it may work it may not. I recall
someone else did that method and it worked, so I don't know... just
gonna have to wait and find out.

In my tests tonight nothing I did allowed me to get into the BBS which I
don't ever recall that happening when I started with 5.01 before on a
real Amiga. I guess it's possible though. Quite a disturbing turn of
events hey? A syspended sysop...


Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-03-31 16:21:35 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
yeah like I said... FIRE BAD!
Post by d***@propg.com
However don't assume that you can store the
file base on a native windows system. This can create other
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
as well depending on the file base type. It's ok to have the actual
files stored in a windows partition, but no data files associated with
the file base should be on a windows drive. If you are not going to
have a huge file base, then I would just create some additional drive
image files and use them for everything.
Ok, well you can assume it since I know it works cus I ran my board for
well over a year in that mannor. File system issues only seems to effect
the big things like users and subboards... you know the things no system
can live without. It would be a good idea like you said to keep the data
file seperate which is easy to do... and just store the files in Windows
directories. This also gives you an easy way to bridge things over to
the hard drive files durring run time. Hard drive files over 500MB is
just not worth doing... fills up too fast... =(
I would suspect that your system was not using certain features that
would have created the problem. As I said it can be done, it just
needs to be setup properly. Plus if your file bases did not get very
big, then I would not have expected the files to get corrupted as there
is enougth slack in the disk interleave to account for small relative
data files, but not the larger ones. This is why your files would be
fine but your message bases would not be. In any case, let me know if
I need to post a detailed description of how to set this up properly.
Post by Andrew Alexander
My tests... and your gonna love this... When the emulator starts up it
captures the nature of the Windows file system at that time. Free space,
used space, and total drive size. It seems as soon as Windows swap file
alters it's size the Emulated Amiga now has incorrect information on the
state of the hard drive and starts writting everything all screwy. Raw
files transfer great between the two... data writting is a mess though.
Once again, it not a factor of the emulator, it a factor of the two
incompatible file system. If it were a problem with the emulator then
I would expect WinUAE to fix it. But becase they can't change either
file system, they are stuck. An Amiga Relative Data Access file will
not operate properly in a windows file system, it just that simple!
Post by Andrew Alexander
One big advantage is that every month you can put the system down and
close the emulator and ZIP up the drive files 100MB each with mostly
blank space will compress into like 6 or 7MB... it makes things so easy.
I have several back ups of my system over the last couple years in hard
drive files.
Post by d***@propg.com
Actually the emulator does not cause this error at all. If you were to
install this on an actual Amiga you would be having the same
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
Plus your solution will only solve the issue until Tom changes his
access level.
The problem is not in my book of notes so I assumed it never happen to
me on the real Amiga. A lot of people don't realize that my BBS didn't
start on the emulator... it was run for a couple years and compressed
and stored on CD up until 2002 when I opened the BBS back up. I think
this advantage is why I don't have many of the problems people report
with systems. I was the first to sustain a CNet BBS in WinUAE and I was
the first to move that same system to the Amiga One. =)
I am not sure why it never happened to you as I have tested on an Amiga
2000, 3000, & 4000 and WinUAE and got the same results. Mabey your
5.01 install package does not have this problem and thats how you
avoided it. Not sure.

I have to correct myself as I incorrrectly identified the source of the
problem as the VDE files. While these files do no get create properly
in the install they are not the source of THIS issue. I knew the
problem was with the default access group settings, but for some reason
I jumped to the VDE files as the place. This morning it hit me that's
not the location of the access group settings. Sorry, I guess I was
rather tired when I posted it.

In any case the problem comes from the fact the default values in the
access group file "sysdata:bbs.adata" for all access groups have the
accounts suspended. So when the system has no users and the sysop hits
the tab key it will create the first account and apply access group 0's
setting to it. Because access group 0 has the suspended account flag
set, the account now suspended. Rather then fix the real issues here
the newer version 5.07 does not kick off the user if they are in local
mode and so you can just edit the account. Don't forget to edit the
groups either.
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
The error comes from an incorrectly programmed install utility that is
used to create the VDE files. During the install, a utility is run to
generate a set of VDE files. These files are used in the VDE (Visual
Data Editor). Here is where the problem lies. The utility creates the
VDE files, and sets all the defaults for each of the files. One of the
VDE files is for the Access Groups. In this file, the suspend account
flag is set to true in all access groups. So when you hit TAB for the
first time on the system, it sees there is no accounts yet and creates
the first account. Because all accounts have to be set at some access
level it sets the access level to 0 (I think) and then applies all the
appropriate access level settings for group 0 to the account. This is
why, when you change your access to level 31, your account will get
suspended again. So to counter this, get on the system using the
method Andrew identified and then issue the following command "EG0-31".
This will get you into the VDE editing all groups. Then turn off the
suspended flags and I seem to think there is another that needs to be
changed, but you should see what we are trying to do.
There are some other errors in the VDE files that are more cosmetic
(like one of the fields did not line up right, etc...), but I did not
want to leave them so I adjusted mine to suite me.
Wow... ok... I got tired of getting my ass kicked by Red Hat Linux over
here tonight and I messed with this. My solution does not correct the
problem... However, I have a 5.01 (my orignal version) that I do most of
the tests on in the emulator. My current system runs 5.06 (Phear to do
the Upgrade). So if his install is 5.07 it may work it may not. I recall
someone else did that method and it worked, so I don't know... just
gonna have to wait and find out.
In my tests tonight nothing I did allowed me to get into the BBS which I
don't ever recall that happening when I started with 5.01 before on a
real Amiga. I guess it's possible though. Quite a disturbing turn of
events hey? A syspended sysop...
I can work with you to try and get you into the system using your
current version of 5.01. You just need a few files from me that will
get you up and running. However, like Andrew stated you should scrap
the 5.01 and use a 5.07 install package. Let me know if you need it.
Just be sure to copy your bbslicense file into the new install package
before installing it. Plus if you are going to use a 5.07 install,
don't install overtop of the old version. That will create a whole new
set of issues to deal with. It's best to clear out your system of CNet
all together and then start from scratch. If you need instruction on
how to get this done, let me know and I will send you some.

2005-04-01 04:45:51 UTC
I have 5.01. I would appreciate it if you sent me 5.07. Just e-mail
it if you can.


Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
yeah like I said... FIRE BAD!
Post by d***@propg.com
However don't assume that you can store the
file base on a native windows system. This can create other
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
as well depending on the file base type. It's ok to have the
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
files stored in a windows partition, but no data files associated
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
the file base should be on a windows drive. If you are not going
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
have a huge file base, then I would just create some additional
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
image files and use them for everything.
Ok, well you can assume it since I know it works cus I ran my board
Post by Andrew Alexander
well over a year in that mannor. File system issues only seems to
Post by Andrew Alexander
the big things like users and subboards... you know the things no
Post by Andrew Alexander
can live without. It would be a good idea like you said to keep the
Post by Andrew Alexander
file seperate which is easy to do... and just store the files in
Post by Andrew Alexander
directories. This also gives you an easy way to bridge things over to
the hard drive files durring run time. Hard drive files over 500MB is
just not worth doing... fills up too fast... =(
I would suspect that your system was not using certain features that
would have created the problem. As I said it can be done, it just
needs to be setup properly. Plus if your file bases did not get very
big, then I would not have expected the files to get corrupted as there
is enougth slack in the disk interleave to account for small relative
data files, but not the larger ones. This is why your files would be
fine but your message bases would not be. In any case, let me know if
I need to post a detailed description of how to set this up properly.
Post by Andrew Alexander
My tests... and your gonna love this... When the emulator starts up
Post by Andrew Alexander
captures the nature of the Windows file system at that time. Free
Post by Andrew Alexander
used space, and total drive size. It seems as soon as Windows swap
Post by Andrew Alexander
alters it's size the Emulated Amiga now has incorrect information
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
state of the hard drive and starts writting everything all screwy.
Post by Andrew Alexander
files transfer great between the two... data writting is a mess
Once again, it not a factor of the emulator, it a factor of the two
incompatible file system. If it were a problem with the emulator then
I would expect WinUAE to fix it. But becase they can't change either
file system, they are stuck. An Amiga Relative Data Access file will
not operate properly in a windows file system, it just that simple!
Post by Andrew Alexander
One big advantage is that every month you can put the system down and
close the emulator and ZIP up the drive files 100MB each with mostly
blank space will compress into like 6 or 7MB... it makes things so
Post by Andrew Alexander
I have several back ups of my system over the last couple years in
Post by Andrew Alexander
drive files.
Post by d***@propg.com
Actually the emulator does not cause this error at all. If you
were to
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
install this on an actual Amiga you would be having the same
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
Plus your solution will only solve the issue until Tom changes his
access level.
The problem is not in my book of notes so I assumed it never happen
Post by Andrew Alexander
me on the real Amiga. A lot of people don't realize that my BBS
Post by Andrew Alexander
start on the emulator... it was run for a couple years and
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
and stored on CD up until 2002 when I opened the BBS back up. I think
this advantage is why I don't have many of the problems people report
with systems. I was the first to sustain a CNet BBS in WinUAE and I
Post by Andrew Alexander
the first to move that same system to the Amiga One. =)
I am not sure why it never happened to you as I have tested on an Amiga
2000, 3000, & 4000 and WinUAE and got the same results. Mabey your
5.01 install package does not have this problem and thats how you
avoided it. Not sure.
I have to correct myself as I incorrrectly identified the source of the
problem as the VDE files. While these files do no get create
Post by d***@propg.com
in the install they are not the source of THIS issue. I knew the
problem was with the default access group settings, but for some reason
I jumped to the VDE files as the place. This morning it hit me that's
not the location of the access group settings. Sorry, I guess I was
rather tired when I posted it.
In any case the problem comes from the fact the default values in the
access group file "sysdata:bbs.adata" for all access groups have the
accounts suspended. So when the system has no users and the sysop hits
the tab key it will create the first account and apply access group 0's
setting to it. Because access group 0 has the suspended account flag
set, the account now suspended. Rather then fix the real issues here
the newer version 5.07 does not kick off the user if they are in local
mode and so you can just edit the account. Don't forget to edit the
groups either.
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
The error comes from an incorrectly programmed install utility
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
used to create the VDE files. During the install, a utility is
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
generate a set of VDE files. These files are used in the VDE
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
Data Editor). Here is where the problem lies. The utility
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
VDE files, and sets all the defaults for each of the files. One
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
VDE files is for the Access Groups. In this file, the suspend
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
flag is set to true in all access groups. So when you hit TAB
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
first time on the system, it sees there is no accounts yet and
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
the first account. Because all accounts have to be set at some
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
level it sets the access level to 0 (I think) and then applies
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
appropriate access level settings for group 0 to the account.
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
why, when you change your access to level 31, your account will get
suspended again. So to counter this, get on the system using the
method Andrew identified and then issue the following command
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
This will get you into the VDE editing all groups. Then turn
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
suspended flags and I seem to think there is another that needs
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
changed, but you should see what we are trying to do.
There are some other errors in the VDE files that are more
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
(like one of the fields did not line up right, etc...), but I did
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
want to leave them so I adjusted mine to suite me.
Wow... ok... I got tired of getting my ass kicked by Red Hat Linux
Post by Andrew Alexander
here tonight and I messed with this. My solution does not correct the
problem... However, I have a 5.01 (my orignal version) that I do
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
the tests on in the emulator. My current system runs 5.06 (Phear to
Post by Andrew Alexander
the Upgrade). So if his install is 5.07 it may work it may not. I
Post by Andrew Alexander
someone else did that method and it worked, so I don't know... just
gonna have to wait and find out.
In my tests tonight nothing I did allowed me to get into the BBS
which I
Post by Andrew Alexander
don't ever recall that happening when I started with 5.01 before on a
real Amiga. I guess it's possible though. Quite a disturbing turn of
events hey? A syspended sysop...
I can work with you to try and get you into the system using your
current version of 5.01. You just need a few files from me that will
get you up and running. However, like Andrew stated you should scrap
the 5.01 and use a 5.07 install package. Let me know if you need it.
Just be sure to copy your bbslicense file into the new install
Post by d***@propg.com
before installing it. Plus if you are going to use a 5.07 install,
don't install overtop of the old version. That will create a whole new
set of issues to deal with. It's best to clear out your system of CNet
all together and then start from scratch. If you need instruction on
how to get this done, let me know and I will send you some.
2005-04-01 05:04:05 UTC
Post by Tom
I have 5.01. I would appreciate it if you sent me 5.07. Just e-mail
it if you can.
Not a problem. I will send you the some links and you can download
them from one of my servers. I'll also include some of the other
software utilities that you will most likely need.

Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 06:04:17 UTC
Almost anything you will need is here...


Post by Tom
I have 5.01. I would appreciate it if you sent me 5.07. Just e-mail
it if you can.
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 08:01:18 UTC
Thanks for the link... But I dont see 5.07 there...

Post by Andrew Alexander
Almost anything you will need is here...
Post by Tom
I have 5.01. I would appreciate it if you sent me 5.07. Just e-mail
it if you can.
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 09:25:18 UTC
Post by Tom
Thanks for the link... But I dont see 5.07 there...
Before you go making comments like everything you need is right here,
you might want to check that what they are needing is actualy there.
You need to post a 5.07 version cause the latest version you have on
the site is a 4.0 demo.

Sorry it took me a while to email you the links but I wanted to ensure
that it was going to work for you. So I took the time to do a fresh
install of WB and then ran the install package I patched together a
while back to make sure it would work for you. You would not believe
the mess that is out there in the install packages. I could not
believe the developers did/could not create a complete install package.
What was out there was incomplete and full of problems. It's not
perfect but it will get you going.

Just download the file and unzip it to your PC. Once that is done, you
can then use WinUAE to fire up WB and then use LHA -x to extract the
files to a install folder. Once this is complete, copy your BBSLicense
file to the cnet directory inside the install folder. Then just run
the Install script and answer the questions. Once it's finished reboot
the system and you should see the control panel running. The install
script turn off the Yank, File, Mail, & News application and when your
ready to start them up just edit the user-startup folder.

You will still need to setup TelnetD, Change ABuffer to at least 512 in
the config and I recommend to cache all account (check box right below
the ABuffer setting. Don't forget to hit return after you change each

Once all that is done, your ready to create your account. Logon localy
via the tab key, then create your account. Edit your account with EA1!
and turn off the account suspended. Then edit all groups with eg0-31!
and turn off the account syspended and and many of the other features
as well. Then I would change your account to access level 31 (common
to use this for Sysop, but not required).

Ok you should be set.

I will email you the links.

Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 17:31:14 UTC
Post by d***@propg.com
Before you go making comments like everything you need is right here,
you might want to check that what they are needing is actualy there.
You need to post a 5.07 version cause the latest version you have on
the site is a 4.0 demo.
I will not be lectured by the links of you... I have 4 web sites, a BBS,
and several networks to over see. I am bound to over looks something. So
don't assume to tell me what things I can and can't say. I thought it
was there... I also said "ALMOST ANYTHING" that he would need would be
there. You already said you were gonna email it to him so don't assume
to tell me how it's gonna be.
Post by d***@propg.com
You will still need to setup TelnetD, Change ABuffer to at least 512 in
the config and I recommend to cache all account (check box right below
the ABuffer setting. Don't forget to hit return after you change each
Ya know and speeking of making an ass out of you and me... You assume
way too much that the emulator runs CNet just like it would on a real
Amiga. It doesn't work that way at all. It's very tricky and you have to
enable things one at a time and take it slow. I always had trouble with
the cache all acount option but hey whatever... enable it if ya want
Tom... I only actually ran my BBS in the emulaor for 2 years and was the
first to get it working right. I was also the first to get my BBS
running on an Amiga One. I dunno where this guy came from. What works
for one BBS does not always work for another... That is a fact! Take it
to the time bank. =P~


Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 20:02:38 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
I will not be lectured by the links of you... I have 4 web sites, a BBS,
and several networks to over see. I am bound to over looks something. So
don't assume to tell me what things I can and can't say. I thought it
was there... I also said "ALMOST ANYTHING" that he would need would be
there. You already said you were gonna email it to him so don't assume
to tell me how it's gonna be.
I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. Nor am I going
to start beating my chest spouting off all the technical details of my
curriculum vita. I am just trying to help Tom out here and thought you
should know the file was not in your site as you implied.

I am a matter of fact kind of person, and sometimes that rubs people
the wrong way. The simple fact of the matter is that your advice to
Tom over the past few days has been terrible. I mean at first you
would not even help the guy ("You and Todd deserve each other"). Then
there was the wonderful advice of "The answer is right under you nose!"
(that's my favorite one). While technically true, not very helpful
to someone who is frustrated and trying to figure something out. Then
you make up some story about how under WinUAE the user data files get
corrupted and that's why your locked out, when in fact it had to do
with the sys.adata files not being setup correctly in the install
package. Then lets look at the next advice, "Download 5.07" and you
provided a link to the cnetbbs.net web-site where Tom can't even find
the file. While it is true that you told him "ALMOST ANYTHING" he
would need would be there, how ironic the one item that he needs is
Post by Andrew Alexander
Ya know and speeking of making an ass out of you and me... You assume
way too much that the emulator runs CNet just like it would on a real
Amiga. It doesn't work that way at all. It's very tricky and you have to
enable things one at a time and take it slow. I always had trouble with
the cache all acount option but hey whatever... enable it if ya want
Tom... I only actually ran my BBS in the emulaor for 2 years and was the
first to get it working right. I was also the first to get my BBS
running on an Amiga One. I dunno where this guy came from. What works
for one BBS does not always work for another... That is a fact! Take it
to the time bank. =P~
Again, I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. It
serves no purpose to make comments like that.

However, I do not feel that WinUAE runs any programs the same, as on a
classic Amiga, in fact there are many differences due to the various
sync problems that must be handled when emulating the Amiga processors
on a PC. So, I know that some things must run different under WinUAE
then under a classic Amiga. At least that is what my experience had
told me over the years. Your comments seem to imply that I don't use
an emulator, when in fact I have used both emulators and actual Amiga
equipment for years.

However I have not experienced any problems with the Cache All Accounts
options under WinUAE, but perhaps some of my settings for WinUAE might
be different then yours and that may be why. It's a good thing to know
that depending on your WinUAE settings the Cache All accounts may cause
problems. I'll note that for further research and try and isolate the
settings that create the problem.

As far as it being "very tricky and you have to enable things one at a
time and take it slow", that is true when you are trying to figure out
the proper settings. But once you know them, it's just a matter of
setting thing up correctly.
Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 21:11:59 UTC
Post by d***@propg.com
I am a matter of fact kind of person, and sometimes that rubs people
the wrong way. The simple fact of the matter is that your advice to
Tom over the past few days has been terrible. I mean at first you
would not even help the guy ("You and Todd deserve each other"). Then
there was the wonderful advice of "The answer is right under you nose!"
(that's my favorite one). While technically true, not very helpful
to someone who is frustrated and trying to figure something out. Then
you make up some story about how under WinUAE the user data files get
corrupted and that's why your locked out, when in fact it had to do
with the sys.adata files not being setup correctly in the install
package. Then lets look at the next advice, "Download 5.07" and you
provided a link to the cnetbbs.net web-site where Tom can't even find
the file. While it is true that you told him "ALMOST ANYTHING" he
would need would be there, how ironic the one item that he needs is
Ok... yeah you have now just rubed me the wrong way. My advice was not
terrible! Data files do get corrupt with CNet in WinUAE that is a fact.
I didn't know 5.07 wasn't there till he said it. I could have swore it
was right below the cnet 4 demo file. Mistake on my part... but like I
said before you were gonna send it to him so who is hurt here? If your
information on where 5.07 is located and not is so all knowing. Then you
would also know http://aminet.net also has a copy of it. Maybe it is
more ironic that you left that little item out of your posts? Aminet is
after all the hub of most Amiga software activity. I wouldn't expect a
newbie to the Amiga computer/emulator to know that though. I have helped
get several BBSes up and running so don't even try and make it like your
all knowning in this department...
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
the cache all acount option but hey whatever... enable it if ya want
Tom... I only actually ran my BBS in the emulaor for 2 years and was
the first to get it working right. I was also the first to get my BBS
running on an Amiga One. I dunno where this guy came from. What works
Again, I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. It
serves no purpose to make comments like that.
No, you are getting into a pissing match with me. You know it all...
fine, know it all. I support only sysops who have registered a license
before now. I could give two squirts of piss about the newbies with
thier Amiga emulators... thinking they are gonna setup a CNet BBS just
as easy as they would setup a Renegade BBS software package. So go...
have fun... I am telling you it will be one failure after another with
CNet in the emulator and when it's all said and done it will won't work
completely right... so enjoy... this is why I say it. He was ripped off
and led to believe this CNet would run perfect in the emulator.

So ya know what Tom... when this jag dork goes off on you like he has
me, cus he is tired of trying to figure things out for you... let me
know... I'll get ya up and running in no time.


Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 22:35:11 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by d***@propg.com
Again, I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. It
serves no purpose to make comments like that.
No, you are getting into a pissing match with me. You know it all...
fine, know it all. I support only sysops who have registered a license
before now. I could give two squirts of piss about the newbies with
thier Amiga emulators... thinking they are gonna setup a CNet BBS just
as easy as they would setup a Renegade BBS software package. So go...
have fun... I am telling you it will be one failure after another with
CNet in the emulator and when it's all said and done it will won't work
completely right... so enjoy... this is why I say it. He was ripped off
and led to believe this CNet would run perfect in the emulator.
At the risk of sounding sane...

I think its GOOD to have two people who have successfully gotten their
systems up and running in different ways. As we ALL know, what works on
one system, may not work on another.

I wish we had 5 or 6 people with in depth knowledge of setting up CNet
systems posting here. It would be a throwback to the days when the CNet
mailing list was up and running.


d5, I sent you an e-mail for more info on your modifiend install
script... hopefully your post header is the right address.
2005-04-02 03:43:44 UTC
Post by Ryan
d5, I sent you an e-mail for more info on your modifiend install
script... hopefully your post header is the right address.
I got you email request, and I am waiting to here back from Tom to make
sure the script worked well for him. Once I know it worked for him,
I'll send you a copy of it.

2005-04-02 05:36:25 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
Ok... yeah you have now just rubed me the wrong way. My advice was not
terrible! Data files do get corrupt with CNet in WinUAE that is a fact.
I didn't know 5.07 wasn't there till he said it. I could have swore it
was right below the cnet 4 demo file. Mistake on my part... but like I
said before you were gonna send it to him so who is hurt here? If your
information on where 5.07 is located and not is so all knowing. Then you
would also know http://aminet.net also has a copy of it. Maybe it is
more ironic that you left that little item out of your posts? Aminet is
after all the hub of most Amiga software activity. I wouldn't expect a
newbie to the Amiga computer/emulator to know that though. I have helped
get several BBSes up and running so don't even try and make it like your
all knowning in this department...
Ok, Ok, maybe I should not have said that your advice was terrible!
For that I must apologize. However, you have to admit you customer
service and your bed-site manner has not exactly been stellar though
out this post.

Your link to http://aminet.com no longer resolves properly to an active
web server so it no longer works. You have to use one of the overseas
mirror sites now.

I did not point him to aminet cause that version that is out there is
5.01 and he needed 5.07. Plus all the 5.07 packages did not have the
fixes he needed. That is why I sent him mine.
Post by Andrew Alexander
No, you are getting into a pissing match with me. You know it all...
fine, know it all. I support only sysops who have registered a
Post by Andrew Alexander
before now. I could give two squirts of piss about the newbies with
thier Amiga emulators... thinking they are gonna setup a CNet BBS just
as easy as they would setup a Renegade BBS software package. So go...
have fun... I am telling you it will be one failure after another with
CNet in the emulator and when it's all said and done it will won't work
completely right... so enjoy... this is why I say it. He was ripped off
and led to believe this CNet would run perfect in the emulator.
I am sorry that you and I have reached the point where you seem to feel
the need to continue to leave posts like this one. I live by a simple
rule. If I know what I am talking about I'll chime in the discussion.
If not, then I general keep quite. While this may lend its self to
making it seem like I am a know-it-all, I can assure you there are many
thinks I do not know. CNet is a large and feature rich application.
With all those feature there is a certain amount of complexity. I can
think of several features of CNet that I have little experience with or
have not use in so long that I would be hard pressed to advise someone
about it.
Post by Andrew Alexander
So ya know what Tom... when this jag dork goes off on you like he has
me, cus he is tired of trying to figure things out for you... let me
know... I'll get ya up and running in no time.
Don't worry Tom I don't believe that I will have the same communication
difficulties that Andrew and I have experienced. Just let me know what
you need help with and I'll lend a hand if possible.

Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 19:30:48 UTC
Post by d***@propg.com
Before you go making comments like everything you need is right here,
you might want to check that what they are needing is actualy there.
You need to post a 5.07 version cause the latest version you have on
the site is a 4.0 demo.
I will not be lectured by you... I have 4 web sites, a BBS, and several
networks to over see. I am bound to over looks something. So
don't assume to tell me what things I can and can't say. I thought it
was there... I also said "ALMOST ANYTHING" that he would need would be
there. You already said you were gonna email it to him so don't assume
to tell me how it's gonna be.
Post by d***@propg.com
You will still need to setup TelnetD, Change ABuffer to at least 512 in
the config and I recommend to cache all account (check box right below
the ABuffer setting. Don't forget to hit return after you change each
Ya know and speeking of making an ass out of you and me... You assume
way too much that the emulator runs CNet just like it would on a real
Amiga. It doesn't work that way at all. It's very tricky and you have to
enable things one at a time and take it slow. I always had trouble with
the cache all acount option but hey whatever... enable it if ya want
Tom... I only actually ran my BBS in the emulaor for 2 years and was the
first to get it working right. I was also the first to get my BBS
running on an Amiga One. I dunno where this guy came from. What works
for one BBS does not always work for another... That is a fact! Take it
to the time bank. =P~


Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 17:15:07 UTC
You know, your right. I could have sworn it was right in there...
Weird... Sorry about that. I'll have to throw it in there. =(

However... there are a lot of things in there that you just won't find
anyplace else anymore... Like Hack n' Slash... still very popular. =)

Post by Tom
Thanks for the link... But I dont see 5.07 there...
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 20:24:25 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
However... there are a lot of things in there that you just won't find
anyplace else anymore... Like Hack n' Slash... still very popular. =)
You and I both know you just copied the comm/cnet directory off an
AmiNet site and posted them to your site.

In fact if anyone would like to check here are some links to the AmiNet
sites. I spent a few minutes and compared your list of files to the
list of files on one of the sites and it was an exact match.


I don't know why you continue to post false things. It's certainly not
helping the CNet community.

If it's not true, then it's not worth talking about!
Andrew Alexander
2005-04-01 21:21:00 UTC
What? I never tired to play it off that I didn't take it from amiga net.
Anyone who looks at it could see that! I took that grab of Aminet right
before it went down... then people couldn't get the mirrors to work...
now that Aminet is back up a lot of older things are gone for ever. So I
posted it on my site about 6 months ago.

I dunno why your trying to play this off like I am making some kinda
shit up or giving false advice... it's clear to me and maybe others out
there reading this that your a mouth piece for Todd Knight, you talk
just like him. I wouldn't be surprised if you are him. WTF is a D5
anyhow, you even have a name? Why you hide behind a handle like some
kinda cry baby sysop who likes to jag around with users while they are
online. Nice... again...

Post by d***@propg.com
You and I both know you just copied the comm/cnet directory off an
AmiNet site and posted them to your site.
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net
2005-04-01 22:58:43 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
I dunno why your trying to play this off like I am making some kinda
shit up or giving false advice... it's clear to me and maybe others out
there reading this that your a mouth piece for Todd Knight, you talk
just like him. I wouldn't be surprised if you are him.
No way could this guy be Todd... this guy actually seems to KNOW
something about CNet and can actually help out someone with technical
glitches. Hell, I could do it myself if I remembered any of it. I shut
down my system about 6 years ago. I think I've forgotten more about how
to run a CNet system then most people probably evenr knew. Its not
bragging... its a fact I was there back during the CNet/4 beta testing
days. I would be sitting in on all the technical chats and such...

As for D5's critiques on the state of the CNet/5 install files... I
really can't comment much on those because by that time I was pretty
much out of the picture. What I can recall tho.. at that point you
wouldn't find a lot of people doing fresh installs.. it was all CNet
sysops doing upgrades... there wasn't exactly the market there anymore
as the BBS scene was pretty much dying at that point, so probably some
of those things were not tested as heavily as they could be... but at
that time the focus was on the exsisting sysops and making sure their
systems were running up-to-date and as bug-free as possible. But I can
tell you one thing... don't expect Todd to be able to fix anything. He
isn't the programmer nor did he really involve himself much in the
technical end of things... and yes he can complain all day long and say
its Ray's fault for not filling him in on every little detail... but how
come I probably know more about CNet then Todd does? Maybe because I was
actually on the IRC channel back then and actually took note of the
technical discussions and kept up on all the changes and such.

I just wish I remembered more of it... like that enter thing.. I
remember it clearly.. after someone else mentioned it... I remember that
being a rather sticky annoyance but an unavoidable one.

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Ray A. Akey
2005-04-01 23:50:00 UTC
Post by Milt
I just wish I remembered more of it... like that enter thing.. I
remember it clearly.. after someone else mentioned it... I remember that
being a rather sticky annoyance but an unavoidable one.
Thanks d5, Ryan and Milt for lending the voice of reason.

Milt, that enter key was unavoidable only due to the GUI engine chosen. I
chose BGUI because is was free to use for both programmers and users, and
did not have the ridiculous licensing costs associated with MUI, which I
would have chosen otherwise.

Some would possibly say that it was lazy but they weren't in my seat back
then. It was ambitious enough to rewrite control at all, let alone trying
to do it without a GUI engine like BGUI, all the while having to tend to
support and services.

It was fun though, both humorus and hair raising at times but it was worth
it, until I could no longer take the nonsense from a non-customer who just
didn't understand, nor did he care to understand what it took to do what I
did day in and day out.

Take care Milt.

2005-04-01 23:47:35 UTC
Post by Andrew Alexander
What? I never tired to play it off that I didn't take it from amiga net.
Anyone who looks at it could see that! I took that grab of Aminet right
before it went down... then people couldn't get the mirrors to
Post by Andrew Alexander
now that Aminet is back up a lot of older things are gone for ever. So I
posted it on my site about 6 months ago.
And I don't take exception to that fact. My comments were directed at
the statement you made "However... there are a lot of things in there
that you just won't find anyplace else anymore". That's just not
true when the entire list is nothing more than a copy of AmiNet and can
be found at six or seven other sites.
Post by Andrew Alexander
I dunno why your trying to play this off like I am making some kinda
shit up or giving false advice... it's clear to me and maybe others out
there reading this that your a mouth piece for Todd Knight, you talk
just like him. I wouldn't be surprised if you are him. WTF is a D5
anyhow, you even have a name? Why you hide behind a handle like some
kinda cry baby sysop who likes to jag around with users while they are
online. Nice... again...
I am not trying to play this off like anything! If you can quote me
saying one thing that is not true then I will admit my error and move
on. But when we are all trying to help one another, it does not help
anyone to get into these knockdown drag-out wars. Come on, can't we be
adult enough to say your right, I was incorrect and should not have
posted that. In fact I did that earlier in my posing when I
incorrectly identified the VDE files and the source for an issue Tom
was having.

I find it funny that when you're upset with someone's comments or
disagree with his or her opinions you tend to swing that person over to
Todd and get very spiteful. You have a beef with Todd, that is very
clear, but that's between Todd and you. I have nothing to do with

As far as being a mouthpiece for Todd, you could not be farther from
the truth. I strongly disagree with Todd and some of the posts he has
made over the years. In fact I also disagree with the postings of Ray
and yourself over the years as well. You see, I have been using CNet
for a long time, I mean a LONG time and love the software. I find it a
shame that because of the hatred everyone feels for each other that
CNet has been paralyzed for so long. Make no mistake about it, I have
followed the history and been running the software from the beginning
days of CNet on the C64.

If you also read my posts, you will find that I don't talk like him, as
he talk in circles and is constantly trying to justify his position on
everything. I tend to take things 1 at a time and cover them in
detail. Plus, I do not use my posting to make personal attacks on

I'll tell you what, if I were Todd Knight (the owner of CNet), we would
not be in this mess we are in. As a programmer, one of the first
things I would do would be to create an install script that works. In
fact I already did, and sent it to Tom last night. I am hoping to here
from him today that he was able to use it and get his system up and

What is D5? Well, simply put is my email address ***@xxxx.com and yes I
have a name! However I general don't use my Name in the news groups as
I consider it an unsafe place to use my name. If you feel the need to
know my name, I'll email it directly to you.

Finally, I must say that I found no pleasure it dealing with your rude
comments. If you read my posts, I never attacked you, yet you have
felt it necessary to personally attack me. The only think I am guilty
of here is pointing thing out that were not true and trying to help
someone out. If that upsets you I am sorry.

I am sorry that you have had to ensure the above postings just to get
the answers you were looking for.

How did the install package I sent you work?

2005-04-02 04:49:08 UTC
Havent had a chance to try it yet. But did get it downloaded. Thanks!

BTW, for all those wondering the CNet 5 on Aminet is 5.01.

Going to be working on it next week, along with a few surprises that
everyone here may be interested in!


Post by Andrew Alexander
Post by Andrew Alexander
What? I never tired to play it off that I didn't take it from amiga
Post by Andrew Alexander
Anyone who looks at it could see that! I took that grab of Aminet
Post by Andrew Alexander
before it went down... then people couldn't get the mirrors to
Post by Andrew Alexander
now that Aminet is back up a lot of older things are gone for ever.
So I
Post by Andrew Alexander
posted it on my site about 6 months ago.
And I don't take exception to that fact. My comments were directed at
the statement you made "However... there are a lot of things in there
that you just won't find anyplace else anymore". That's just not
true when the entire list is nothing more than a copy of AmiNet and can
be found at six or seven other sites.
Post by Andrew Alexander
I dunno why your trying to play this off like I am making some kinda
shit up or giving false advice... it's clear to me and maybe others
Post by Andrew Alexander
there reading this that your a mouth piece for Todd Knight, you talk
just like him. I wouldn't be surprised if you are him. WTF is a D5
anyhow, you even have a name? Why you hide behind a handle like some
kinda cry baby sysop who likes to jag around with users while they
Post by Andrew Alexander
online. Nice... again...
I am not trying to play this off like anything! If you can quote me
saying one thing that is not true then I will admit my error and move
on. But when we are all trying to help one another, it does not help
anyone to get into these knockdown drag-out wars. Come on, can't we be
adult enough to say your right, I was incorrect and should not have
posted that. In fact I did that earlier in my posing when I
incorrectly identified the VDE files and the source for an issue Tom
was having.
I find it funny that when you're upset with someone's comments or
disagree with his or her opinions you tend to swing that person over to
Todd and get very spiteful. You have a beef with Todd, that is very
clear, but that's between Todd and you. I have nothing to do with
As far as being a mouthpiece for Todd, you could not be farther from
the truth. I strongly disagree with Todd and some of the posts he has
made over the years. In fact I also disagree with the postings of Ray
and yourself over the years as well. You see, I have been using CNet
for a long time, I mean a LONG time and love the software. I find it a
shame that because of the hatred everyone feels for each other that
CNet has been paralyzed for so long. Make no mistake about it, I have
followed the history and been running the software from the beginning
days of CNet on the C64.
If you also read my posts, you will find that I don't talk like him, as
he talk in circles and is constantly trying to justify his position on
everything. I tend to take things 1 at a time and cover them in
detail. Plus, I do not use my posting to make personal attacks on
I'll tell you what, if I were Todd Knight (the owner of CNet), we would
not be in this mess we are in. As a programmer, one of the first
things I would do would be to create an install script that works.
Post by Andrew Alexander
fact I already did, and sent it to Tom last night. I am hoping to here
from him today that he was able to use it and get his system up and
have a name! However I general don't use my Name in the news groups as
I consider it an unsafe place to use my name. If you feel the need to
know my name, I'll email it directly to you.
Finally, I must say that I found no pleasure it dealing with your rude
comments. If you read my posts, I never attacked you, yet you have
felt it necessary to personally attack me. The only think I am guilty
of here is pointing thing out that were not true and trying to help
someone out. If that upsets you I am sorry.
I am sorry that you have had to ensure the above postings just to get
the answers you were looking for.
How did the install package I sent you work?
2005-04-01 21:27:04 UTC
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
However... there are a lot of things in there that you just won't
Post by Andrew Alexander
anyplace else anymore... Like Hack n' Slash... still very popular. =)
You and I both know you just copied the comm/cnet directory off an
AmiNet site and posted them to your site.
In fact if anyone would like to check here are some links to the AmiNet
sites. I spent a few minutes and compared your list of files to the
list of files on one of the sites and it was an exact match.
I don't know why you continue to post false things. It's certainly not
helping the CNet community.
If it's not true, then it's not worth talking about!
Don't forget the CNet/5 demo sitting in
http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/dirs/comm_bbs.html now!

Let us all strive for completeness, as well as accuracy, wherever
possible. ;)

Thanks for the link-list, regardless of the single omission. It's
definitely more of a help than a hindrance!
2005-04-02 06:02:51 UTC
Post by ElectroPig
Post by d***@propg.com
Post by Andrew Alexander
However... there are a lot of things in there that you just won't
Post by Andrew Alexander
anyplace else anymore... Like Hack n' Slash... still very popular. =)
You and I both know you just copied the comm/cnet directory off an
AmiNet site and posted them to your site.
In fact if anyone would like to check here are some links to the AmiNet
sites. I spent a few minutes and compared your list of files to the
list of files on one of the sites and it was an exact match.
I don't know why you continue to post false things. It's certainly not
helping the CNet community.
If it's not true, then it's not worth talking about!
Don't forget the CNet/5 demo sitting in
http://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/aminet/dirs/comm_bbs.html now!
Let us all strive for completeness, as well as accuracy, wherever
possible. ;)
Thanks for the link-list, regardless of the single omission. It's
definitely more of a help than a hindrance!
Note: I've just found out that the version on AmiNet currently is v5.01.
For those who are apparently working on repairing the install script:

1) THANKS! I've always done manual updates, so I never encountered any
install problems myself. Without the old tech support database, this is the
first that I've heard of it, and your efforts are very much appreciated!

2) PLEASE send me a copy of the edits to the install scripts, so that I
can update and reupload the latest available release that actually installs

Just attach to an email to zencom-spamblok-@nospam.canada.com.

Thanks in advance, and to those who are involved in CONSTRUCTIVELY
discussing things in the newsgroup these days, I applaud and appreciate your
efforts on CNet's behalf!
Andrew Alexander
2011-04-29 14:07:59 UTC
To: alt.bbs.amiga.cnet
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Xref: number1.nntp.dca.giganews.com alt.bbs.amiga.cnet:5073

You know, your right. I could have sworn it was right in there...
Weird... Sorry about that. I'll have to throw it in there. =(

However... there are a lot of things in there that you just won't find
anyplace else anymore... Like Hack n' Slash... still very popular. =)

Post by Tom
Thanks for the link... But I dont see 5.07 there...
Window of Illusion Web Site - http://www.woibbs.org
Window of Illusion BBS - telnet://woibbs.org
CNet BBS Web Site - http://www.cnetbbs.net

* Synchronet * The Whitehouse BBS --- whitehouse.hulds.com --- check it out free usenet!
--- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.92
Time Warp of the Future BBS - telnet://time.synchro.net:24

Ray A. Akey
2005-04-01 23:33:58 UTC

Load up config and change your "ABuffer size" to a value of 512 or higher.
Don't forget to hit enter in the config editor and apply your changes. Then
reload CNet.
Post by Tom
A new thread at last! I got my Telnet issues resolved and can telnet
telnetl.device: Waiting for unit to answer.
telnetl.device: Connected to TCP/IP port 4000 unit 0.
18Press RETURN to enter system: 0
CNet PRO 5.01 (23.3.99) (c)1990-99
ZenMetal Software 519-256-0278 (BBS)
IBM/ANSI enabled!11NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start" ...11Enter
NEW if you
Notice how some of it is jumbled together when it should be on
seperate lines. And what's up with all the extra numbers like the 18
before "Press RETURN to enter system:"?
And what's the error "NOTE: can not find "SysText:sys.start"?"
Oh, and telnetd.device on port 23 has the same result BTW.