What a blast from the past!
(too old to reply)
Raymond J W Morrell
2005-04-05 04:06:18 UTC
Ray Akey, ElectroPig, omg... still going strong!

Glad to see you guys are still involved in CNet BBS.

You guys may remember me, I was the kid from Toronto who ran Planet X BBS
from about 1992 to 1998.

I know I got in touch with Ray a few years back, but once again I see things
are still going in CNet-land.

I tried to get some of the old regular Planet X'ers back in touch with
eachother, and am running a reunion site now:
http://groups.msn.com/PlanetXBBSReunionSite (in case anyone is interested)

Unfortunately, I haven't fired up my old Amiga 2000 in ages, and it's
doubtful it would even work. It's been sitting in an unheated storage unit
for over a year. But, if I did fire it up, I wonder if the old BBS would
still work? I know I had a load of cool games I had either downloaded or
had written myself, including a nifty (but simple) poker game. For the life
of me I can't remember a single line of ARexx code, although I've written
thousands of lines of it.

Anyway feel free to drop me a line, and keep the CNet message alive my


Ray Morrell aka White Zombie aka The Editor
Planet X BBS Sysop - 1992 to 1998
Ray A. Akey
2005-04-05 06:07:00 UTC
Post by Raymond J W Morrell
Ray Akey, ElectroPig, omg... still going strong!
Glad to see you guys are still involved in CNet BBS.
You guys may remember me, I was the kid from Toronto who ran Planet X
BBS from about 1992 to 1998.
Ray!!! I still have your old emails, mate! How are things in the party town
of T.O? I plan to take a trip up this summer to hit the Canon Service
Center in Missisauga to get my 100-400mm F4.5-5.6L Canon lens repaired.
Maybe I'll stop in if you're up to company. :)

Lots to talk about as you might notice lately. ;)
Post by Raymond J W Morrell
I tried to get some of the old regular Planet X'ers back in touch with
http://groups.msn.com/PlanetXBBSReunionSite (in case anyone is
I'll have to make it over that way. Just have to remember my Groups
password. LOL
Post by Raymond J W Morrell
Anyway feel free to drop me a line, and keep the CNet message alive my
Hey Ray, check out my new hobby and semi-profession:
http://www.codemain.com/gallery2 Yep, I'm right into photography, and it
isn't a cheap hooby. We thought computers was an expensive one? Hah, not
even close. :)

A hearty "Keep the Faith" to you, my friend. See you over at the 'union.

Ray (too)
