CNet Pro is still Alive
(too old to reply)
Gary McCulloch
2018-01-27 21:18:51 UTC
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
Fjolsvith Aase
2018-01-28 14:44:11 UTC
Post by Gary McCulloch
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
It is very much still alive. I contacted Dan Fitzgerald before Christmas and he gave me a copy of CNet Amiga 5.20. He has been helping me get my BBS up and running. It is called CheckSum Acknowledged and you can access it at telnet://

My BBS is running inside WinUAE (The AmiKit X edition) on a Windows 10 computer. It has a massive (and I mean big) collection of Amiga files available for download, and is on FidoNET (1:298/29.0). It has a few Amiga door games and soon will have all the PC door games as well.

Dan is hoping to release version 5.21 this weekend, and it has some new features that people, sysops and users both will like. He also has planned a release of version 5.22 in the very near future with additional features.
Ryan P.
2018-02-04 23:41:50 UTC
Post by Fjolsvith Aase
Post by Gary McCulloch
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
It is very much still alive. I contacted Dan Fitzgerald before Christmas and he gave me a copy of CNet Amiga 5.20. He has been helping me get my BBS up and running. It is called CheckSum Acknowledged and you can access it at telnet://
My BBS is running inside WinUAE (The AmiKit X edition) on a Windows 10 computer. It has a massive (and I mean big) collection of Amiga files available for download, and is on FidoNET (1:298/29.0). It has a few Amiga door games and soon will have all the PC door games as well.
Dan is hoping to release version 5.21 this weekend, and it has some new features that people, sysops and users both will like. He also has planned a release of version 5.22 in the very near future with additional features.
That would be great. Hopefully he (or one of you) will put up a
change log so the rest of us can see whats happening.

Glad Dan was still out there somewhere!
Fjolsvith Aase
2018-02-05 14:11:02 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
That would be great. Hopefully he (or one of you) will put up a
change log so the rest of us can see whats happening.
Glad Dan was still out there somewhere!
The new version, 5.21a, has a couple of neat new features. One is called JoinLink, which allows CNet BBS's to have a combined chat conference room. Dan is planning on expanding this link connection to allow multi-bbs, multi-player door games and even allowing a user on one system to download files located on a different BBS.

Another is email integration. This will allow a new user to validate an account with their email address, which can remove the need for lots of user information gathering during new account creation. Also, it will allow the user to opt for email notification for various events that happen on the BBS.

It is now available for download on Dan's BBS. There are about 5 of us sysops running CNet again.

Dan's BBS is at telnet://fw2.cnetbbs.net:6800

Many people have disparaged Dan for not doing anything over the years, but he's making up for it now.
2018-02-05 01:28:02 UTC
I am test running CNet 5.21a at necrobbs.strangled.net on port 40
Ryan P.
2018-02-07 03:13:01 UTC
Post by Fjolsvith Aase
Post by Ryan P.
That would be great. Hopefully he (or one of you) will put up a
change log so the rest of us can see whats happening.
Glad Dan was still out there somewhere!
The new version, 5.21a, has a couple of neat new features. One is called JoinLink, which allows CNet BBS's to have a combined chat conference room. Dan is planning on expanding this link connection to allow multi-bbs, multi-player door games and even allowing a user on one system to download files located on a different BBS.
Another is email integration. This will allow a new user to validate an account with their email address, which can remove the need for lots of user information gathering during new account creation. Also, it will allow the user to opt for email notification for various events that happen on the BBS.
It is now available for download on Dan's BBS. There are about 5 of us sysops running CNet again.
Dan's BBS is at telnet://fw2.cnetbbs.net:6800
Many people have disparaged Dan for not doing anything over the years, but he's making up for it now.
Back in the day, I remember when our local BBS had 3 or 4 different
systems joined up via Joinlink.

It would be nice to have integrated multi-bbs pfiles. In the waning
days of my BBS, a few of us local sysops experimented with getting a
multi-bbs CircleMUD installation, hosted by my BBS. Between us, we got
it working, but the server had a habit of just deciding it didn't want
to listen to incoming connections after a day or two.

Just think of the fun games of Global War and Empire and Tradewars 2000
that could become reality. :)
Fjolsvith Aase
2018-02-07 13:58:27 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Just think of the fun games of Global War and Empire and Tradewars 2000
that could become reality. :)
I'm thinking of poker and chess and D&D. But those others would be fun too.
Jay C. Theriot
2018-04-09 12:58:09 UTC
Post by Gary McCulloch
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
Is there any way to get/purchase a copy? I've sent an email, and awaiting a response.

Jay C. Theriot
Fjolsvith Aase
2018-04-10 15:20:38 UTC
Post by Jay C. Theriot
Is there any way to get/purchase a copy? I've sent an email, and awaiting a response.
On cnetbbs.net, there is a BBS Systems page. It has the information to the official CNet Support BBS. You should be able to contact KGuide (the Sysop and Author of CNet) on that BBS, who will get you a copy. The BBS software might also be available for download on that system.
Gary McCulloch
2018-04-17 12:29:45 UTC
JoinLink is up and active with 6 CNet/5 boards already. CNet/5 v5.21b is out, and the BBS world with CNet is alive! Visit http://www.cnetbbs.net and view the BBS Systems tab for a current list of CNet/5 boards up.

Gary McCulloch
2018-06-23 15:35:14 UTC
AmigaNet and RetroNet have been added to RoF. Give this CNet/5 BBS a call.

Gary McCulloch
2018-09-05 00:10:35 UTC
http://www.cnetbbs.net and http://www.cnet64.com Check both of those sites out, and also telnet to: rofbbs.ddns.net:2300
2018-10-28 08:43:37 UTC
Post by Gary McCulloch
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
I am just getting a database error. I was a very active Cnet BBS owner, and many of my old users want to run their online games through messages again. So I was hunting for software to revive it.
Mike Smith
2020-09-30 01:46:34 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21 released. There are even some active boards up.
I am just getting a database error. I was a very active Cnet BBS owner, and many of my old users want to run their online games through messages again. So I was hunting for software to revive it.
Can anyone help me out with a copty of cnet with tcp capability (and ideally global wars!!!)..
Jazzy J
2020-10-24 14:09:41 UTC
Post by Mike Smith
Post by d***@gmail.com
Post by Gary McCulloch
Visit www.cnetbbs.net and you will see that this software is about to have v5.21
released. There are even some active boards up.
Post by Mike Smith
Post by d***@gmail.com
I am just getting a database error. I was a very active Cnet BBS owner, and many of my
old users want to run their online games through messages again. So I
was hunting for software to revive it.
Post by Mike Smith
Can anyone help me out with a copty of cnet with tcp capability (and ideally global
Check out http://cbbsoutpost.servebbs.com for a list of CG BBSs and you
can post the question. I know there was chatter about it a few months
Jazzy J