Spamming to a.b.a.cnet? Talk about a silly spammer...
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Ryan P.
2011-04-26 22:36:00 UTC
I was amazed to see a post in here... Eternal September usually does
a fantastic job of weeding out the spam...

Is it still just the 5 of us that for some odd reason keep this in our

I was playing with WinUAE the other day (okay, a month or so ago...),
playing ProjectX on my HD. Blocky, yes, but fun with the big home
theater sound...

Anyway, I actually fired up my old BBS within UAE to goof around a
bit, and ended up wasting an hour or so playing Hack n Slash and Wheel
of Fortune... Then, for some totally bizarre reason, I spent another
hour messing with CircleMUD.

After all these years, I can still waste an afternoon on a BBS just
like when I was a teenager. :)

And now I feel old, because I can look back to that time, and it's
going on nearly 14 years! Yeesh!
2011-04-27 22:48:28 UTC
I was amazed to see a post in here... Eternal September usually does a
fantastic job of weeding out the spam...
Is it still just the 5 of us that for some odd reason keep this in our
I was playing with WinUAE the other day (okay, a month or so ago...),
playing ProjectX on my HD. Blocky, yes, but fun with the big home
theater sound...
Anyway, I actually fired up my old BBS within UAE to goof around a bit,
and ended up wasting an hour or so playing Hack n Slash and Wheel of
Fortune... Then, for some totally bizarre reason, I spent another hour
messing with CircleMUD.
After all these years, I can still waste an afternoon on a BBS just like
when I was a teenager. :)
And now I feel old, because I can look back to that time, and it's going
on nearly 14 years! Yeesh!
Yeah, I think you are right, silly spammer hitting a group that no one
is on. Yup, I keep it in my list for shits and giggles really. I know
CNet is long since dead and so is the Amiga. I still have my BBS all set
up in WinUAE not that I've booted it up in ages. For the same reason I
couldn't delete it before backing it up years earlier. I just could not
bring myself to wipe out something that I spent so much time building. I
still have it, it lives on, on this computer.
