Its the Bi-Annual "See Who's Still Watching" Post
(too old to reply)
Ryan P.
2012-11-14 03:05:28 UTC
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay

I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).

Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Renaissance Man
2012-11-14 14:13:54 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
2012-11-14 17:53:50 UTC
To: Ryan P.
Re: Its the Bi-Annual "See Who's Still Watching" Post
By: Ryan P. to alt.bbs.amiga.cnet on Tue Nov 13 2012 09:05 pm
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Just got my board linked up, only because I'm an Atari guy, and you know what
they say about your enemies. (Kidding, have much love for Amiga) Is this even
an Amiga board? State of usenet these days makes me ask.
--- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.98
Shodan's Core - telnet://shodan.synchro.com
2012-11-16 04:58:12 UTC
Post by Android8675
To: Ryan P.
Re: Its the Bi-Annual "See Who's Still Watching" Post
By: Ryan P. to alt.bbs.amiga.cnet on Tue Nov 13 2012 09:05 pm
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Just got my board linked up, only because I'm an Atari guy, and you know what
they say about your enemies. (Kidding, have much love for Amiga) Is this even
an Amiga board? State of usenet these days makes me ask.
--- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.98
Shodan's Core - telnet://shodan.synchro.com
An Atari guy? Wow, you're in even worse shape than people that love
Amigas ;)
Ryan P.
2012-11-21 03:27:56 UTC
Post by Android8675
To: Ryan P.
Re: Its the Bi-Annual "See Who's Still Watching" Post
By: Ryan P. to alt.bbs.amiga.cnet on Tue Nov 13 2012 09:05 pm
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Just got my board linked up, only because I'm an Atari guy, and you know what
they say about your enemies. (Kidding, have much love for Amiga) Is this even
an Amiga board? State of usenet these days makes me ask.
--- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.98
Shodan's Core - telnet://shodan.synchro.com
Nice... I only remember to Atari BBS' in my entire state, even back
in the heyday of BBSing. Had you run a BBS in the past, or is this your
2012-11-16 04:57:16 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Yeah, that's way too easy to do. I've only not removed this group from
my feed only because, why the hell not? Its not like its taking up any
space...Do I expect anything topical anymore? Nah, not really. CNet BBs,
much like the Amiga, is a dead relic. A Nostalgia piece... in fact in
the past several months I picked up an Amiga 3000, an Amiga 2000 and an
Amiga 2500 all in working order. One of them even has an old BBS on it.
It was the the BBS for the Amiga users group in Madison WI. called The
Daily Planet.
Ryan P.
2012-11-21 03:26:17 UTC
Post by milt
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Yeah, that's way too easy to do. I've only not removed this group from
my feed only because, why the hell not? Its not like its taking up any
space...Do I expect anything topical anymore? Nah, not really. CNet BBs,
much like the Amiga, is a dead relic. A Nostalgia piece... in fact in
the past several months I picked up an Amiga 3000, an Amiga 2000 and an
Amiga 2500 all in working order. One of them even has an old BBS on it.
It was the the BBS for the Amiga users group in Madison WI. called The
Daily Planet.
That name actually sounds familiar. I may have called once or twice
back in the day. I remember when I first got my Amiga, there were only
a couple Amiga BBS' in Milwaukee, so I branched out a bit occasionally.
2013-02-15 16:33:39 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Late reply ;)

I do subscribe to the group even though I haven't owned an amiga for the last
15 years :-/ and so I'm very rusty.
In 2009, I'd buy Amiga Forever, and have been using the v3.5 Amiga version
found there from time to time for my own nostalgic amusement as it's easy to
add your own contents to it :)

Because of the Amiga and the few disks I had left, I'd even buy myself a
KryoFlux board to be able to rip my original Amiga OS 3.1 (complete with
manual and disks that I still have) and the utility disks I made back then
using it. Remarkably, the tool was able to rip all disks without errors using a
Panasonic 1.44MB PC drive which we, way back when, didn't think was possible.

I was wondering though, if anyone's still reading.... Is it possible to run an
Amiga BBS through IP. Way back when, I'd run AmiEx BBS (or was it Amiga Express
BBS? I've yet to find it on any of the TOSEC downloads I've done so I'm not
sure, but I don't think it was able to us IP anyway. US Robotics ruled in my
community back then :-D)


Basic / The Black Eagle / Digital Warrior... And any name I used to use I don't
recall anymore ;)
Nostalgia - Something that hits you when you're almost fifty. It's a little
like love really...
2013-02-22 06:19:40 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Late reply ;)
I do subscribe to the group even though I haven't owned an amiga for the last
15 years :-/ and so I'm very rusty.
In 2009, I'd buy Amiga Forever, and have been using the v3.5 Amiga version
found there from time to time for my own nostalgic amusement as it's easy to
add your own contents to it :)
Because of the Amiga and the few disks I had left, I'd even buy myself a
KryoFlux board to be able to rip my original Amiga OS 3.1 (complete with
manual and disks that I still have) and the utility disks I made back then
using it. Remarkably, the tool was able to rip all disks without errors using a
Panasonic 1.44MB PC drive which we, way back when, didn't think was possible.
I was wondering though, if anyone's still reading.... Is it possible to run an
Amiga BBS through IP. Way back when, I'd run AmiEx BBS (or was it Amiga Express
BBS? I've yet to find it on any of the TOSEC downloads I've done so I'm not
sure, but I don't think it was able to us IP anyway. US Robotics ruled in my
community back then :-D)
Basic / The Black Eagle / Digital Warrior... And any name I used to use I don't
recall anymore ;)
Nostalgia - Something that hits you when you're almost fifty. It's a little
like love really...
CNet could run over the Internet, natively even. I'm not sure any other
Amiga BBSes could do so, though I think there was a serial device that
could be configured to run over an IP, it was how we used to do it with
CNet before the 4.x series added it. Just don't ask me what it was
called, perhaps something like telser.device? That seems to ring a bell,
for some reason.
2013-03-04 11:39:24 UTC
Post by milt
Post by unknown
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Anybody still snooping around this old shack?
Late reply ;)
I do subscribe to the group even though I haven't owned an amiga for the last
15 years :-/ and so I'm very rusty.
In 2009, I'd buy Amiga Forever, and have been using the v3.5 Amiga version
found there from time to time for my own nostalgic amusement as it's easy to
add your own contents to it :)
Because of the Amiga and the few disks I had left, I'd even buy myself a
KryoFlux board to be able to rip my original Amiga OS 3.1 (complete with
manual and disks that I still have) and the utility disks I made back then
using it. Remarkably, the tool was able to rip all disks without errors using a
Panasonic 1.44MB PC drive which we, way back when, didn't think was possible.
I was wondering though, if anyone's still reading.... Is it possible to run an
Amiga BBS through IP. Way back when, I'd run AmiEx BBS (or was it Amiga Express
BBS? I've yet to find it on any of the TOSEC downloads I've done so I'm not
sure, but I don't think it was able to us IP anyway. US Robotics ruled in my
community back then :-D)
Basic / The Black Eagle / Digital Warrior... And any name I used to use I don't
recall anymore ;)
Nostalgia - Something that hits you when you're almost fifty. It's a little
like love really...
CNet could run over the Internet, natively even. I'm not sure any other
Amiga BBSes could do so, though I think there was a serial device that
could be configured to run over an IP, it was how we used to do it with
CNet before the 4.x series added it. Just don't ask me what it was
called, perhaps something like telser.device? That seems to ring a bell,
for some reason.
Thank you for the information.
I'll think I'll save myself the trouble of tracking down the old AmiEX as I
probably don't remember too much of the instruction set anyway, and go
with cnet when I get around to set up a new Amiga BBS. This will be
done to show my daughter how we did it back in "the stone age"...
According to her, I'm a 150 million years old, but I guess it may seem
like that when you're 16 looking at almost 50 :-D
It's a little funny to inform her and her friends, among other things, about
the origins and my very first 300 baud acoustic modem and how it
worked ;)

Thanks again for the information


The 150 million years old stonage man :-D
2013-10-03 05:05:27 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Yes, not even a spam post in several months, but yet I still stay
I check in once in a while. Glad to see someone else does too.
Post by Ryan P.
I see Clock and Milt over in c.s.a.advocacy occasionally antagonizing
Terry (but then, its sooooo easy to do).
Don't know Terry....
Post by Ryan P.
Anybody still snooping around this old shack.
Yep! Even have a post I am going to put up, so go look for it! I need help with a project...