Any CNet news?
(too old to reply)
Ryan P.
2007-12-21 17:18:00 UTC
Anything at all? Is the licensing issue once again under control, or
is there still debate on ownership?
2007-12-21 20:52:46 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Anything at all? Is the licensing issue once again under control, or
is there still debate on ownership?
Have not heard anything in months regarding CNet, I just assumed it was
Ryan P.
2007-12-22 00:34:47 UTC
Post by Milt
Post by Ryan P.
Anything at all? Is the licensing issue once again under control, or
is there still debate on ownership?
Have not heard anything in months regarding CNet, I just assumed it was
That's a shame... K-Guide and Storm's Edge seemed so enthusiastic.
2007-12-22 00:45:38 UTC
Post by Ryan P.
Post by Milt
Post by Ryan P.
Anything at all? Is the licensing issue once again under control,
or is there still debate on ownership?
Have not heard anything in months regarding CNet, I just assumed it
was dead.
That's a shame... K-Guide and Storm's Edge seemed so enthusiastic.
Yeah I know, I really thought it was going to go somewhere but its been
nearly a year since any updates to CNet and its been over 5 mos. since
anything CNet related has been posted to this forum.
Ryan P.
2007-12-22 07:47:17 UTC
Post by Milt
Post by Ryan P.
Post by Milt
Post by Ryan P.
Anything at all? Is the licensing issue once again under control,
or is there still debate on ownership?
Have not heard anything in months regarding CNet, I just assumed it
was dead.
That's a shame... K-Guide and Storm's Edge seemed so enthusiastic.
Yeah I know, I really thought it was going to go somewhere but its been
nearly a year since any updates to CNet and its been over 5 mos. since
anything CNet related has been posted to this forum.
At least I'm not the only one that keeps the newsgroup in my list...
I was wondering!
Dan F
2007-12-29 00:39:04 UTC
Ryan & Milt,

I just wanted to respond to the posts in this group so there would not
be any miss-understandings.

As far as the licensing issues or any debate on ownership; Storm's
Edge Technologies is the sole owner of CNet Amiga with all associated
rights and privileges.

While there has been little or no activity on CNet from the consumer
point of view, there has been a considerable amount of work put into
the project in the past year. There has been a lot of work put into
the new version 5 manuals, but due to the new features of CNet the
version 5 manuals have been put on hold. It was getting harder and
harder to sync up the development efforts and the manual updates.

Those individuals that purchased CNet with a manual have been given
the option to receive a full refund of the price for the manual. When
the new version is released with manuals there will be an option to
purchase only the manual for existing owner of CNet 5.x

I understand the perception that many have, given the time between
updates and release versions of CNet. I only ask that you consider
the fact that CNet is not our company's bread winner nor do we expect
it to be at this point. However, it has taken a great deal of time,
effort and planning to reach where we are today. Plus we are about
ready to start releasing some news about the new version of CNet and
the direction we will be taking the entire product line.

I will do my best to post here, but for more details you can log into
Future World II BBS in the up and coming weeks.
Take care and 2008 looks to be a great year for CNet!!!

2007-12-29 01:15:30 UTC
Post by Dan F
I understand the perception that many have, given the time between
updates and release versions of CNet. I only ask that you consider
the fact that CNet is not our company's bread winner nor do we expect
it to be at this point. However, it has taken a great deal of time,
effort and planning to reach where we are today. Plus we are about
ready to start releasing some news about the new version of CNet and
the direction we will be taking the entire product line.
I will do my best to post here, but for more details you can log into
Future World II BBS in the up and coming weeks.
Take care and 2008 looks to be a great year for CNet!!!
Hey, no disrespect intended and I also know very well that CNet isn't
what is paying the bills so the stuff that butters the bread has to come
first. I really wouldn't have been surprised if CNet just completely
died as i can't imagine the demand is all that great anymore.

Curious to see what happens next, however.
Dan F
2007-12-29 16:20:29 UTC
Post by Milt
Hey, no disrespect intended and I also know very well that CNet isn't
what is paying the bills so the stuff that butters the bread has to come
first. I really wouldn't have been surprised if CNet just completely
died as i can't imagine the demand is all that great anymore.
Curious to see what happens next, however.
Dont worry, none taken. Just wanted everyone to know.

Ryan P.
2007-12-29 18:14:44 UTC
Post by Dan F
I understand the perception that many have, given the time between
updates and release versions of CNet. I only ask that you consider
the fact that CNet is not our company's bread winner nor do we expect
it to be at this point. However, it has taken a great deal of time,
effort and planning to reach where we are today. Plus we are about
ready to start releasing some news about the new version of CNet and
the direction we will be taking the entire product line.
I agree with Milt. I guess I'm just so used to anything Amiga-related
going haywire, that I assume the worst these days!

Props to you for even keeping CNet in active development, even on a
2008-01-02 09:07:14 UTC
Post by Dan F
Ryan & Milt,
I just wanted to respond to the posts in this group so there would not
be any miss-understandings.
As far as the licensing issues or any debate on ownership; Storm's
Edge Technologies is the sole owner of CNet Amiga with all associated
rights and privileges.
While there has been little or no activity on CNet from the consumer
point of view, there has been a considerable amount of work put into
the project in the past year. There has been a lot of work put into
the new version 5 manuals, but due to the new features of CNet the
version 5 manuals have been put on hold. It was getting harder and
harder to sync up the development efforts and the manual updates.
Those individuals that purchased CNet with a manual have been given
the option to receive a full refund of the price for the manual. When
the new version is released with manuals there will be an option to
purchase only the manual for existing owner of CNet 5.x
I understand the perception that many have, given the time between
updates and release versions of CNet. I only ask that you consider
the fact that CNet is not our company's bread winner nor do we expect
it to be at this point. However, it has taken a great deal of time,
effort and planning to reach where we are today. Plus we are about
ready to start releasing some news about the new version of CNet and
the direction we will be taking the entire product line.
I will do my best to post here, but for more details you can log into
Future World II BBS in the up and coming weeks.
Take care and 2008 looks to be a great year for CNet!!!
2008-01-03 02:59:24 UTC
Necronomicon BBS! Telnet://necro.cnetbbs.net

Running under CNet 5.07
