How to build a CNet-like client with AJAX
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Alex Dread
2008-06-03 18:27:28 UTC
Here's a great example of a web-based AJAX terminal. I think a client
like this would be fantastic if somebody wanted to make a web centric
version of CNet Amiga.


Not too difficult to write the client for this, and the server would
just need to be able to communicate with mySQL to store data. You
could probably emulate a CNet Amiga experience pretty easily with just
PHP, maybe a little more time to allow things like OLMs.

Anybody interested in working on something like this?
2008-07-21 02:28:09 UTC
Post by Alex Dread
Anybody interested in working on something like this?
A couple of years ago I took a stab at writing a terminal emulator and
an application that could be used over the Internet to have an "Amiga-
CNet-Like" experience.

Got the terminal working good, even had it interpreting all of the
"Standard" MCI codes (cursor movement, color changes, etc.) and a
server side program to handle connections and spit the files out to
the client.

The "server" was multi-threaded (sorta), and could handle... well, I
dunno how many "connections" it would handle... but several times I
had 6 to 8 going at once. It even had a console similar to CNet, but
it had a lot more functionality.

But, as will happen when daydreaming while driving on the information
superhighway, a bridge abuttment jumped out in front of me. I got a
hard dose of reality when the project I was working on went toes up,
and the main reason for me creating this little bit of nostalgia
(learning server-client interoperability) came crashing down. About
all I salvaged from the wreckage was a hefty helping of connectivity
knowledge that is slowly fading away.

I was put on another project, the rotting carcass of the old one swept
into a dark bin-bucket somewhere and quietly left to molder and rot.

BUT! I digress... ;P

Yeah, it definately CAN be done. My question is "Why?" With the ease
and speed you can create a website/portal/chat site these days, about
the only people I see coming and actually participating in something
like this are those of us that got into it "way back when". Except for
those that keep it around to play Empire or Tradewars or whatever game
you have a bout of nostalgia for, a BBS on the web has nothing to
attract users that can't be done better, faster and more user friendly
than with the WORST website development tools.

BTW, yes I *AM* a CNet Sysop. I started out with CNet 64 (from the
beginning), went through the C128 versions (had a custom built 2MB RAM
Expansion. Cost a FORTUNE! :P) and then on to CNet Amiga. The last
version that I bought was 3.05 (was going through some old paperwork
the other day and found the carbon from the check I wrote to buy it).
I even still have the A2000 and the A3000 I used sitting in a closet
as well as the old maroon binder from Prospective Software for CNet
PRO written by Ken (the one with the messed up font on the first paper

Oh, one last thing. I saw a while back there was a big push for the
release of the source code. I know it will never happen, but I would
LOVE to get my hands on a copy of it. I would really enjoy reading the
code and actually deciphering the logic that went BEHIND a piece of
software that is over 10 years out of date but still garners such a
loyal following. In today's "disposable" world, it would be... well...

Rauglothgor of The Dragon's Den BBS
Bruenor of MythReal Halls BBS
